vendor/shopware/core/Framework/DataAbstractionLayer/Dbal/EntityHydrator.php line 167
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Dbal;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\Context;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Entity;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\EntityCollection;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\EntityDefinition;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\AssociationField;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\CustomFields;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\Field;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\Flag\Extension;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\Flag\Inherited;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\ManyToManyAssociationField;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\ManyToOneAssociationField;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\OneToOneAssociationField;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\ParentAssociationField;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\ReferenceVersionField;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\TranslatedField;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\VersionField;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\PartialEntity;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Write\Command\WriteCommandQueue;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Write\DataStack\KeyValuePair;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Write\EntityExistence;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Write\WriteContext;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Write\WriteParameterBag;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\Log\Package;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\Struct\ArrayEntity;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\Struct\ArrayStruct;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
* Allows to hydrate database values into struct objects.
* @internal
class EntityHydrator
* @var array<mixed>
protected static array $partial = [];
* @var array<bool>
protected static array $partialFullPaths = [];
* @var array<mixed>
private static array $hydrated = [];
* @var array<string>
private static array $manyToOne = [];
* @var array<string, array<string, Field>>
private static array $translatedFields = [];
* @internal
public function __construct(private readonly ContainerInterface $container)
* @template TEntityCollection of EntityCollection<Entity>
* @param TEntityCollection $collection
* @param array<mixed> $rows
* @param array<string|array<string>> $partial
* @return TEntityCollection
public function hydrate(EntityCollection $collection, string $entityClass, EntityDefinition $definition, array $rows, string $root, Context $context, array $partial = []): EntityCollection
self::$hydrated = [];
self::$partial = $partial;
self::$partialFullPaths = [];
if (!empty(self::$partial)) {
/** @var TEntityCollection $collection */
$collection = new EntityCollection();
$this->mapPartialFieldsToHydrate(self::$partial, $root);
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$collection->add($this->hydrateEntity($definition, $entityClass, $row, $root, $context));
return $collection;
* @template EntityClass
* @param class-string<EntityClass> $class
* @return EntityClass
final public static function createClass(string $class)
return new $class();
* @param array<mixed> $row
* @return array<mixed>
final public static function buildUniqueIdentifier(EntityDefinition $definition, array $row, string $root): array
$primaryKeyFields = $definition->getPrimaryKeys();
$primaryKey = [];
foreach ($primaryKeyFields as $field) {
if ($field instanceof VersionField || $field instanceof ReferenceVersionField) {
$accessor = $root . '.' . $field->getPropertyName();
$primaryKey[$field->getPropertyName()] = $field->getSerializer()->decode($field, $row[$accessor]);
return $primaryKey;
* @param array<string> $primaryKey
* @return array<string>
final public static function encodePrimaryKey(EntityDefinition $definition, array $primaryKey, Context $context): array
$fields = $definition->getPrimaryKeys();
$mapped = [];
$existence = new EntityExistence($definition->getEntityName(), [], true, false, false, []);
$params = new WriteParameterBag($definition, WriteContext::createFromContext($context), '', new WriteCommandQueue());
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if ($field instanceof VersionField || $field instanceof ReferenceVersionField) {
$value = $context->getVersionId();
} else {
$value = $primaryKey[$field->getPropertyName()];
$kvPair = new KeyValuePair($field->getPropertyName(), $value, true);
$encoded = $field->getSerializer()->encode($field, $existence, $kvPair, $params);
foreach ($encoded as $key => $value) {
$mapped[$key] = $value;
return $mapped;
* Allows simple overwrite for specialized entity hydrators
* @param array<mixed> $row
protected function assign(EntityDefinition $definition, Entity $entity, string $root, array $row, Context $context): Entity
$entity = $this->hydrateFields($definition, $entity, $root, $row, $context, $definition->getFields());
return $entity;
* @param array<mixed> $row
* @param iterable<Field> $fields
protected function hydrateFields(EntityDefinition $definition, Entity $entity, string $root, array $row, Context $context, iterable $fields): Entity
/** @var ArrayStruct<string, mixed> $foreignKeys */
$foreignKeys = $entity->getExtension(EntityReader::FOREIGN_KEYS);
$isPartial = self::$partial !== [];
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$property = $field->getPropertyName();
$key = $root . '.' . $property;
if ($isPartial && !isset(self::$partialFullPaths[$key])) {
// initialize not loaded associations with null
if ($field instanceof AssociationField && $entity instanceof ArrayEntity) {
$entity->set($property, null);
if ($field instanceof ParentAssociationField) {
if ($field instanceof ManyToManyAssociationField) {
$this->manyToMany($row, $root, $entity, $field);
if ($field instanceof ManyToOneAssociationField || $field instanceof OneToOneAssociationField) {
$association = $this->manyToOne($row, $root, $field, $context);
if ($association === null && $entity instanceof PartialEntity) {
if ($field->is(Extension::class)) {
if ($association) {
$entity->addExtension($property, $association);
} else {
$entity->assign([$property => $association]);
// other association fields are not handled in entity reader query
if ($field instanceof AssociationField) {
if (!\array_key_exists($key, $row)) {
$value = $row[$key];
$typed = $field;
if ($field instanceof TranslatedField) {
$typed = EntityDefinitionQueryHelper::getTranslatedField($definition, $field);
if ($typed instanceof CustomFields) {
$this->customFields($definition, $row, $root, $entity, $field, $context);
if ($field instanceof TranslatedField) {
// contains the resolved translation chain value
$decoded = $typed->getSerializer()->decode($typed, $value);
$entity->addTranslated($property, $decoded);
$inherited = $definition->isInheritanceAware() && $context->considerInheritance();
$chain = EntityDefinitionQueryHelper::buildTranslationChain($root, $context, $inherited);
// assign translated value of the first language
$key = array_shift($chain) . '.' . $property;
$decoded = $typed->getSerializer()->decode($typed, $row[$key]);
$entity->assign([$property => $decoded]);
$decoded = $definition->decode($property, $value);
if ($field->is(Extension::class)) {
$foreignKeys->set($property, $decoded);
} else {
$entity->assign([$property => $decoded]);
return $entity;
* @param array<mixed> $row
protected function manyToMany(array $row, string $root, Entity $entity, ?Field $field): void
if ($field === null) {
throw new \RuntimeException('No field provided');
$accessor = $root . '.' . $field->getPropertyName() . '.id_mapping';
// many to many isn't loaded in case of limited association criterias
if (!\array_key_exists($accessor, $row)) {
// explode hexed ids
$ids = explode('||', (string) $row[$accessor]);
$ids = array_map('strtolower', array_filter($ids));
/** @var ArrayStruct<string, mixed> $mapping */
$mapping = $entity->getExtension(EntityReader::INTERNAL_MAPPING_STORAGE);
$mapping->set($field->getPropertyName(), $ids);
* @param array<mixed> $row
* @param array<string, Field> $fields
protected function translate(EntityDefinition $definition, Entity $entity, array $row, string $root, Context $context, array $fields): void
$inherited = $definition->isInheritanceAware() && $context->considerInheritance();
$chain = EntityDefinitionQueryHelper::buildTranslationChain($root, $context, $inherited);
$translatedFields = $this->getTranslatedFields($definition, $fields);
foreach ($translatedFields as $field => $typed) {
$fieldValue = self::value($row, $root, $field);
$translation = $fieldValue !== null ? $typed->getSerializer()->decode($typed, $fieldValue) : null;
$entity->addTranslated($field, $translation);
$chainFieldValue = self::value($row, $chain[0], $field);
$entity->$field = $chainFieldValue !== null ? ($fieldValue === $chainFieldValue ? $translation : $typed->getSerializer()->decode($typed, $chainFieldValue)) : null;
* @param array<Field> $fields
* @return array<string, Field>
protected function getTranslatedFields(EntityDefinition $definition, array $fields): array
$key = $definition->getEntityName();
if (isset(self::$translatedFields[$key])) {
return self::$translatedFields[$key];
$translatedFields = [];
/** @var TranslatedField $field */
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$translatedFields[$field->getPropertyName()] = EntityDefinitionQueryHelper::getTranslatedField($definition, $field);
return self::$translatedFields[$key] = $translatedFields;
* @param array<mixed> $row
protected function manyToOne(array $row, string $root, ?Field $field, Context $context): ?Entity
if ($field === null) {
throw new \RuntimeException('No field provided');
if (!$field instanceof AssociationField) {
throw new \RuntimeException(\sprintf('Provided field %s is no association field', $field->getPropertyName()));
$pk = $this->getManyToOneProperty($field);
$association = $root . '.' . $field->getPropertyName();
$key = $association . '.' . $pk;
if (!isset($row[$key])) {
return null;
if (self::$partial !== [] && !isset(self::$partialFullPaths[$pk])) {
self::$partialFullPaths[$key] = true;
return $this->hydrateEntity($field->getReferenceDefinition(), $field->getReferenceDefinition()->getEntityClass(), $row, $association, $context);
* @param array<mixed> $row
protected function customFields(EntityDefinition $definition, array $row, string $root, Entity $entity, ?Field $field, Context $context): void
if ($field === null) {
$inherited = $field->is(Inherited::class) && $context->considerInheritance();
$propertyName = $field->getPropertyName();
$value = self::value($row, $root, $propertyName);
if ($field instanceof TranslatedField) {
$customField = EntityDefinitionQueryHelper::getTranslatedField($definition, $field);
$chain = EntityDefinitionQueryHelper::buildTranslationChain($root, $context, $inherited);
$decoded = $customField->getSerializer()->decode($customField, self::value($row, $chain[0], $propertyName));
$entity->assign([$propertyName => $decoded]);
$values = [];
foreach ($chain as $accessor) {
$values[] = self::value($row, $accessor, $propertyName);
if (empty($values)) {
* `array_merge`s ordering is reversed compared to the translations array.
* In other terms: The first argument has the lowest 'priority', so we need to reverse the array
$merged = $this->mergeJson(array_reverse($values, false));
$decoded = $customField->getSerializer()->decode($customField, $merged);
$entity->addTranslated($propertyName, $decoded);
if ($inherited) {
* The translations chains array has the structure: [
* main language,
* parent with main language,
* fallback language,
* parent with fallback language,
* ]
* We need to join the first two to get the inherited field value of the main translation
$values = [
self::value($row, $chain[1], $propertyName),
self::value($row, $chain[0], $propertyName),
$merged = $this->mergeJson($values);
$decoded = $customField->getSerializer()->decode($customField, $merged);
$entity->assign([$propertyName => $decoded]);
// field is not inherited or request should work with raw data? decode child attributes and return
if (!$inherited) {
$value = $field->getSerializer()->decode($field, $value);
$entity->assign([$propertyName => $value]);
$parentKey = $root . '.' . $propertyName . '.inherited';
// parent has no attributes? decode only child attributes and return
if (!isset($row[$parentKey])) {
$value = $field->getSerializer()->decode($field, $value);
$entity->assign([$propertyName => $value]);
// merge child attributes with parent attributes and assign
$mergedJson = $this->mergeJson([$row[$parentKey], $value]);
$merged = $field->getSerializer()->decode($field, $mergedJson);
$entity->assign([$propertyName => $merged]);
* @param array<mixed> $row
protected static function value(array $row, string $root, string $property): ?string
$accessor = $root . '.' . $property;
return $row[$accessor] ?? null;
protected function getManyToOneProperty(AssociationField $field): string
$key = $field->getReferenceDefinition()->getEntityName() . '.' . $field->getReferenceField();
if (isset(self::$manyToOne[$key])) {
return self::$manyToOne[$key];
$reference = $field->getReferenceDefinition()->getFields()->getByStorageName(
if ($reference === null) {
throw new \RuntimeException(\sprintf(
'Can not find field by storage name %s in definition %s',
return self::$manyToOne[$key] = $reference->getPropertyName();
* @param array<string|null> $jsonStrings
protected function mergeJson(array $jsonStrings): string
$merged = [];
foreach ($jsonStrings as $string) {
if ($string === null) {
$decoded = json_decode($string, true, 512, \JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
if (!$decoded) {
foreach ($decoded as $key => $value) {
if ($value === null) {
$merged[$key] = $value;
return json_encode($merged, \JSON_PRESERVE_ZERO_FRACTION | \JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
* @param array<string, mixed> $fields
private function mapPartialFieldsToHydrate(array $fields, string $currentPath): void
foreach ($fields as $field => $values) {
self::$partialFullPaths[$currentPath . '.' . $field] = true;
$this->mapPartialFieldsToHydrate($values, $currentPath . '.' . $field);
* @param array<mixed> $row
private function hydrateEntity(EntityDefinition $definition, string $entityClass, array $row, string $root, Context $context): Entity
$isPartial = self::$partial !== [];
$hydratorClass = $definition->getHydratorClass();
$entityClass = $isPartial ? PartialEntity::class : $entityClass;
if ($isPartial) {
$hydratorClass = EntityHydrator::class;
$hydrator = $this->container->get($hydratorClass);
if (!$hydrator instanceof self) {
throw new \RuntimeException(\sprintf('Hydrator for entity %s not registered', $definition->getEntityName()));
$identifier = implode('-', self::buildUniqueIdentifier($definition, $row, $root));
$cacheKey = $root . '::' . $identifier;
if (isset(self::$hydrated[$cacheKey])) {
return self::$hydrated[$cacheKey];
$entity = new $entityClass();
if (!$entity instanceof Entity) {
throw new \RuntimeException(\sprintf('Expected instance of Entity.php, got %s', $entity::class));
$entity->addExtension(EntityReader::FOREIGN_KEYS, new ArrayStruct([], $definition->getEntityName() . '_foreign_keys_extension'));
$entity->addExtension(EntityReader::INTERNAL_MAPPING_STORAGE, new ArrayStruct());
$entity->internalSetEntityData($definition->getEntityName(), $definition->getFieldVisibility());
$entity = $hydrator->assign($definition, $entity, $root, $row, $context);
return self::$hydrated[$cacheKey] = $entity;